Sunday 9 September 2012


We're not stopped by late days at work or bad weather forecasts! So after work on Friday, we packed our stuff, bought heaps of good food and drove towards my cabin. We didn't start the hike until after 11 pm, so it was pitch dark and way past bedtime by the time we made it to the cabin. It was worth it, as it is so much nicer to wake up in the mountains and be ready for a good day of hiking. Especially when someone makes you a breakfast like this:

As predicted, the weather wasn't very good, and it started pouring down by the time we stumbled out of the cabin with our tummies stuffed with pancakes. It has been raining quite a bit lately, so there was a lot of water in the rivers. A few places, we struggled to cross, and our socks and boots weren't exactly dry after a while...

We decided to hike to a peak behind the cabin that we haven't been to before. It wasn't too far, which was ok for a day in bad weather and little visibility. The hike up was a bit steep, but the view on the top was nice, must be quite good on a sunny day!

Looking down a my cabin by the small lake.

The Sausage is getting a ride in the bad weather!
The peak had no name on the map, so my good frieds decided to name it Snuten (as it is a bit lower than Snønuten?! I don't know...)
View from the top, my cabin is hard to spot (it's tiny!).

Looking for cloudberries on our way home.

When we got back, the sheep grassing in the area had tried to get a taste of the beer that had been left outside the cabin to chill. Poor Stanley was devastated!

We had a five course dinner Saturday night, this beeing the first starter. We were all so stuffed afterwards we could hardly move!

The autumn colours are coming in the mountain - there are some nice weeks of hiking ahead of us! :-)

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