Friday 7 September 2012

Canooooooing in Lutsivannet

A while back, we borrowed some canoes from work and went paddling in Lutsivannet near Sandnes. We were three "adults", two kids and the Sausage, paddling three in each canoe. The weather was great, and not much wind, so good conditions for paddling.

The Sausage was taking the position as navigator!

Lutsivassdraget is actually several lakes connected, you can paddle through the whole thing, but at some places there might not be a lot of water, so you would have to carry your canoe or kayak, but this is only short parts and no issue.

We found a small island that we decided was good for camping, and enjoyed a great evening in the sun, barbercuing and having the best dessert ever: applepie warmed on the fire with luke warm vanilla sauce on top!

Our camp, you can spot the tents in the centre of the picture.

The children relaxing in their sleepingbags,
the Sausage in the middle believing she is one of them...

The Sausage happily tucked in in her small sleepingbag in the tent.
As usual, my lifejacket is used as sleepingmat for her, works perfectly well!

It is easy to paddle in Lutsivannet, and one can stay close to land the whole time. A few places, the water was a little shallow and some rocks were coming up, but it was easy to maneouver around them.

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