Thursday 27 June 2013

Stavanger Daily Photo

Last time I was home, I was stopped on the street when the Beard and I were out on the Kickbike. It was Gunn, who writes the blog Stavanger Daily Photo that stopped us, as she had heard about Kickbike, but had never seen one. She kindly asked if she could take a picture of us for her blog. You can see the post she made here.

Thanks for featuring us, Gunn!

By the way, on this trip, the Beard finally understood that she is supposed to run in FRONT of the Kickbike! It made the speed quite high, and I did not have to work so hard! We went around Store Stokkavann (lake), but the timing was guite bad, as there was a triatlon going on there at the same time, so we got a bit in the way...

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