Tuesday 25 June 2013

Busy day at work!

Today has been a busy day at work! I am hosting a Summer Camp for kids this week, and my plan is to take them hiking tomorrow and then sleep in a  lavvo, or outdoors if the weather is ok. But they are too young to carry all the equipment up to the camp, so I had to do that this morning. My backpack was so heavy I almost stumbled several times, and I took forever to get up the steep hill behind Haukeliseter. I must have looked like a complete idiot!! After two hours I was finally where I had planned to make the camp. So I put up my beloved tent and threw the lavvo and other stuff into it and then hiked back to Haukelister. Just in time to meet the first participants at the camp. And then I took them paddling at Ståvatn, the lake in front of Haukeliseter.

Looks like it will be some hectic, but fun days! And afterwards, a loooooong summer vacation is ready for me! Yeeeyyy!!!

I finally got around to take the first paddling trip of the season. I was sooo looking forward to g0 paddling between the ice flakes on the lake, but the ice is all gone now. Summer came too quickly for me!

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