Friday 28 June 2013


The plan to take the kids at Summer Camp on tenting was quickly ruined by a forecast that promised raining cats and dogs (and possible a mice or two!!), so we moved to plan B and took them to Middalsbu instead. You can hike from Haukelister to Middalsbu, but that is a looooong trip. Instead, we drove in Valldalen (valley) and parked at the end of the lake. From there it is only about 30 minutes hike to the cabin.

After lunch, we hiked to one of the highest peaks nearby Middalsbu, and reached the top at 1572 meters above sea level after around two hours of slow climbing. Quite a view, but bad and cloudy weather stopped us from seeing everything, including Sandfloeggi, which is the highest peak at Hardangervidda. Next time... :-)

The bridge near Middalsbu. A LOT of water in the rivers,
 so you need to use the bridges to cross!!

A little bit of blue sky at one point. Didn't last very long... :-)

If you want to visit Middalsbu, remember to bring a DNT key, as the cabin is locked! It is a nice start if you want to continue towards Hellevassbu or Litlos, or hike to Haukeliseter. Enjoy! :-)

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