Sunday 23 June 2013

First sailing trip of the season

Yeeeeaaaa, finally back on the water! It was actually over a month ago, but I misplaced the memory card, so I haven't had any pics to show. But here they are! Enjoy!

This was the Beard's first proper sailing trip, and she did quite well! She got a bit nervous in the waves, but was jumping around on the boat like she's grown up there. She tried to climb into the dinghy on her own once, but as the little dinghy floated further and further away from the mothership and the Beard's feet got loooonger and loooonger, she of course ended up in the water in the end. But the at least we now know that she can swim! :-)

On our way into land to go for a walk. The Beard is READY!

The same weekend, I also visited my best friend and her family at their cabin. Weather was nice and warm and we could enjoy cold beers and good laughs outside until bedtime. Fingers crossed that we get a summer filled with nice, warm weather like this! :-)

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