Thursday 25 October 2012

100 most awesome things on the planet

When I was in the US a few weeks ago, I met a little girl that was very happy when she heard I came from Norway. The first thing she asked me was if I had seen the big rock. I had to admit I was not certain what she was talking about and started suggesting big rocks that are like mountains different places in the world. She insisted that the big rock she was thinking about was in Norway and went to get her book to show me.

The book was the "100 most awesome things on the planet" and she had been given it by her teacher for behaving so well in class!

And when she showed me the big rock she was talking about, it turned out to be the Pulpit Rock!! I was so impressed, and quite proud that this little girl knew this place that is so close to my home. This week is her birthday, and one wish she had was to get a card with a picture of the Pulpit Rock. This is on it's way to you now, dear! :-)

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