Monday 8 July 2013


Finally! This has been on my list for a very long time, and this was the weekend for it to happen! Finally!

Trolltunga is a spectacular wonder from Mother Nature that I have been wanting to visit for a long time. And this weekend we packed tent, good food, sun, the Beard and stuffed it all in the car and drove towards Odda.

You can do the hike on a daytrip, but we left Stavanger late and arrived in Odda even later, so we just hiked up all the steep hills and put the tent up. Met heaps of people on our way up, and we were happy for all of them to go back home so that we could get Trolltunga to ourselves the day after! ;-)

It was nice and warm on the way up, but quite windy and then cold where we put the tent. Beautiful sunset over Folgefonna (glacier).

Maybe there was a reason for all the people going there on Saturday??! This was the weather we woke up to Sunday:

But it cleared up as we hiked towards Trolltunga and by the time we arrived, the sun was shining, and we remembered we had forgotten sunscreen and cursed ourselves for not bringing sunglasses.

For more info, check opplevodda.


  1. Jeg var der på lørdagen!! Og siden du drar fra Stavanger.. Jobber du på Prekestolhytta?

  2. Skal faktisk jobbe litt på basecamp på slutten av sommeren... Men er ansatt på Haukeliseter.
