Thursday 4 July 2013

Ekstremsportveko 2013

The last week of June, Ekstremsportveko is arranged at Voss. This is a festival for all adrenalin junkies and offers activities like river kayaking, basejump, climbing, paragliding etc. I got to visit the last couple of days of the festival. I've never attended it before, but will definately try to go next year! Great fun, crazy people!

One of the stunts we watched were two paragliders that connected in air and then rotated together downwards. Scary stuff! But as a good friend says; "paragliding is the closest humans get to fly like a bird!".

Saturday night we ended up on a party that lasted until too late (or early?!) Sunday morning. So my friend and I took our sleepingbags, mats and stuff and went to the beach to make pancakes for breakfast and get some highly needed sleep. It is soooo nice to sleep outside. Got a bit sunburned on my nose, but who cares... :-)

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