Friday 24 May 2013

Dog rescue

The other day a dog ran away from a visitor at Haukeliseter. The owner searched for hours, but they could not find her again. They saw some tracks that ended at a big crack in the ice and snow and assume that the dog had fallen down into this crack. Even the Red Cross was here to help searching for the dog, but had to give up when the dark came. The day after, two guys from Red Cross decided to do one more try to find the dog, and after hours of digging into the crack, they found the dog sitting at the bottom. Luckily she was not injured, only quite shaken! I met them when they came back to Haukeliseter and offered the dog to stay at my place until the owner came to pick her up. So we placed the poor thing named Candy in a cage in my flat where she got some food and water and rest.

Candy resting while she is waiting for her owner.

It turned out that the visitor that had lost Candy had just picked her up from the old owner and was on her way home with her. Candy is a street dog from Romania and has not had the easiest life. I am impressed that someone goes through all the effort it is to get the dog all the way to Norway and then pass her on to new owners. And also that new owners decide to take these dogs with the broken background, as they can have quite a heavy baggage! But most impressive with the whole story are the two guys from Red Cross that decided to go and search again and who were digging in the snow for hours to get her out. I take my (imaginary) hat off!!!

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