Friday 8 March 2013

Hard at work at Vesle Nup

Yesterday was yet another perfect day at work! The task for the day: take a group from an investment company on a skitrip. In addition, this group was a bunch of really nice people, which made it even more fun!

We decided on Vesle Nup, a nice half day trip from Haukeliseter. The weather forecast was ok, but turned out to be much better than predicted - again the sun was shining from a clear sky and no wind. This winter has been amazing so far, must be a breaking record of sunny days!!

There was a storm last weekend, and this has shaped the snow. Looks beautiful, but really annoying to ski on!

And when we got back, the investment company invited me on a five course dinner! A really nice ending to a "hard" day at work! ;-)

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