Friday 15 March 2013

Easter at Svalbard

Easter break is coming up soon, and I started dreaming a bit about last year's Easter, which I spent with good friends who were living at Svalbard then. The weather was amazing the whole week I was there. 

We went on a cabin trip for some days in Hiorthavn, and had some really nice skitrips. 

You get close to the overwhelming nature when you are at Svalbard, especially when you get outside Longyearbyen.

The others were taking all our food and gear for the cabin trip on snowmobiles, while I borrowed the dog Julie and went on skis. I do not hold any license to carry a gun, which you should always have with you when leaving Longyearbyen because of the danger of polar beers, so I borrowed a signal pistol and crossed my fingers that no beers would show up. I was expecting Julie to pull me a lot on the skis, but she was not thinking down the same lines.... We still had a nice trip!

At the cabin, someone managed to get all the snowmobile gear off when they went inside, except for the helmet which was a bit stuck! The below photo cracks me up every time I see it, note the grandfather-slippers he has put on to keep his feet warm...

There are a lot of remains from the coal industry at Svalbard. These are now considered cultural heritage and are to be left alone. I think a lot of them look a bit scary, but pretty in their own way.

Funny to go skiing along the waterside...

This year, my dear Svalbard-frieds are coming to visit me for Easter - which I really, really look forward to!! :-)

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