Sunday 3 March 2013

29, again!

At the end of February every year I turn 29. This year was no different! And every year, a nice group of friends get together at my little cabin for a little celebration with beer and sausages (not THE Sausage of course!!).

This year, I took Friday off and left for the cabin a bit earlier than the others to lit the fireplace and have the cabin warm and dry for my guests' arrival. I left the Sausage behind and brought the Blond Swedish dog instead. Good choice, as she pulled me up to the cabin in less than two hours!

Great weather, with sunshine and no wind! Very little snow, so it did not take long to dig out the windows or get an ok temperature inside. It was minus 4 degrees inside when I arrived, but by the time the first guests arrived in the dark, it was nice and warm!

Saturday, the weather was shit, so we only took at short skitrip to get some fresh air and exercise the dog. The wind was quite strong at times, almost covering my friends as they were standing by Kyrkjesteinen.

When we were going back home on Sunday, the weather was nice again. A bit sad to leave the cabin, but luckily, it will not be long until I'm back! Yea!! :-)

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