Sunday 6 January 2013

Indiana Jones in Jordan

On an impulse (as most of the things I do!), I went on a short trip to Jordan while in Dahab. I went to see the ancient city Petra and was overwhelmed!!! I had no expectations, but these constructions were just impressive! And they crazy part is that they believe that around 85% of the city is still undiscovered. Imagine that!!

Petra became an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and no one has lived there since. For more information, check here.

The caves they were living in are dug out in the sandstone and some of the constructions are just amazing.
It is believed that some of this dates back to over 300 years BC.

At the bottom on the right, you can see the waterways they used to get floating water through the city.
Impressive constructions!

It turned out that a famous Indiana Jones movie has some scenes filmed in Petra. I've never seen any Indiana Jones movies, so I had no idea about this, but I am considering watching now if it's good!?

Camel in need of a dentist!!

If you ever have the chance to visit this place: GO!! :-)

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