Sunday 27 January 2013

Fluffy white stuff

FINALLY!! We've been waiting for some more snow since before New Year's. And yesterday it came! I spent the day at Røldal with good friends playing around in the snow. What a great day! We even got some "first tracks" as the cool kids call it! ;-)

I only had my small camera and the light was (as most of the time in Røldal) not very good. But at least there are a few snapshots (not exactly any Kodak moments, but better than nothing...).

Røldal is actually known for its bad light. The upper part does not have any trees or anything breaking the light, so you very often get what we call "flat light", where you cannot see much but white. Makes the skiing it a bit "interesting" at times. But at the end of the day, we moved down to the lower part near the chairlift where you can sometimes see a bit more. We had some really good runs there before we called it a day!

Trying to decide where to ski down. We ended up with a nice line inbetween the trees.

Check out my new outfit, which appropriately is called "Røldal"!

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