Monday 28 January 2013

Blond Swedish dog

The Sausage is on vacation these days in a bit milder climate with less snow, so I borrowed another dog on Sunday for a little skitrip. It was almost a snowstorm outside, but as this is an Alaskan Huskey, I thought that the weather would be no issue. I was expecting a dog that would pull me on my skis, but that did not exactly happen... At least not forward, but more to one side, then the other, then backwards. Then she was rolling around in the snow and then she decided to sit on my skis behind my legs to hide from the wind. After a while, I had the leach around my legs three times and twice around the dog.
The only time she was pulling me in the right direction was when we turned around and headed back home... 

I guess the dog did not understand what I tried to communicate or something, as we struggled a bit to move in the same direction in all the snow. Maybe it's a language issue? After all, she has Swedish owners. Or maybe she's just blond!? Blond, Swedish dog!

The picture below shows the bad view on Sunday. If you look closely, you will see a stick in the middle of the picture showing the route we were following. No wonder the dog wanted to go home...

Sitting on my skis, hiding from the wind. 

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