Wednesday 16 January 2013

Diving in Dahab

As I ended up with all these trips around the Sinai Peninsula, I actually did not do any swimming or even have on my bikini. Until the very last day, when someone manage to convince me to come snorkeling! And I am sooo happy for this, as the corals and fish and life under water was just amazing! Like swimming in an aquarium! I took my PADI diving license a loooong time ago in Malaysia, but have never really used it afterwards. What a shame! Need to change that! But this time, it was only snorkeling, next time, it will absolutely be diving! For sure!

The water wasn't exactly warm to start with, but when we got a bit further out and to the edge of a coral reef, there were some warmer streams coming and the temperature was quite comfortable. It was a bit strange with the sudden change, as you swam into warmer water and could have half of you body in warm water, and the other in colder. Weird!

On our way back to shore, we saw this sea snake. It is apparently very rare in this area.
I was just glad it was laying fairly still and not moving too much in my direction!!

After the snorkeling, we went for some local food. They had one selection on the menu that was a little bit of everything else on the menu - perfect choice, as you really don't have to make up your mind and choose something! And this huge meal was 15 NOK! I didn't even manage to finish half of it! A perfect ending to a perfect vacation! :-)

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