Sunday 7 October 2012


Behind the famous Byrkjedalstunet is the peak Vinjakulå. A good friend suggested that this would be a nice hike for a stormy Sunday. This is also a peak that is known for a great view from the top. We did not see very much of that, but a few times when there was an opening in the clouds rushing by, we got a nice view. It was however difficult to get this on camera, as it did not last very long and our fingers were freezing!

The Sausage is making sure that I do not forget to take her with me!
She always sits on my things when I am packing.

Not much leaves left on the trees now....

The hike to Vinjakulå is not difficult, but it could have been marked better. It is a bit steep at times, as one is climbing up around 500 meters. It was extremely wet today, in addition to a very strong wind that blew me off balance a few times. Add on rain, some hail and cloudy views, and you have a typical October day at our side of the country. Nice! ;-)

Somewhere in the grey fog over in the horizon is the peak, Vinjakulå.

What looks like a cloud in the middle of the picture is actually water blowing up from a steep waterfall in Gloppedalsura. Shows how windy it was today!

The goal for the trip: Vinjakulå, 907 meters above sea level. Supposed to be a great view... supposed to...

Thought I was going to be blown off the mountain top by the strong winds!!
The trip up and down should take about 5-6 hours according to We took about 4,5 hours without rushing. We did however eat our "matpakke" standing up trying to make sure the ham did not blow off the bread in the strong wind!

Almost looked like we could see something, but then new clouds came flying.

Trying not to slip on the wet mountain on my way down.

Rain, rain and more rain! And wind! And then some hail!
 We stopped at Byrkjedalstunet on our way home to put on dry clothes, drink hot chocolate and eat their wellknown lappe. Nice end to a windy Sunday trip!

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