Saturday 14 September 2013


Today I've had a daytrip to the DNT cabin Bleskestadmoen in Suldal. The forecast said raining elephants and zebras and a bit more, and it was pouring down as I was driving to Roaldkvam and Bleskestad. But then it stopped and was actually not too bad! So I had a nice hike into the cabin, ate my lunch and then back to the car. Once I started driving back home, the rain was pouring down again. Now that is good karma, or what?!?!

The hike from Bleskestad is short and easy. I only took a couple of hours at really slow speed. And I stopped for a long time to talk to a hunter that was on his way home. Big parts of the path is on solid mountain, which is not my favourite surface as it is really hard to step on and it gets very slippery on days like today. I slipped a few times, but managed to stay on my feet! It's a good marked path and really nicely made through the morasses. I love DNT and the good work they do!! :-)

There is a really old, cozy cabin in addition to a new larger one (from 2001). The new one was nice and smart, but the old one was just great. And sooo nice inside! If only the walls could talk, I bet it is full of good stories! :-)

The first part of the hike goes along an old dirt road. A bit boring, especially on the return. Some old equipment is left along the side of the road, and it looks like it has been there for quite some time...

For more info on Bleskestadmoen, check UT.

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