Tuesday 30 July 2013

Finse - Rembesdalsseter - Liseth

Sooooo, the plan to cross Hardangervidda turned into a trip from Stavanger to Bergen to Finse to Rembesdalsseter to Liseth to Odda to Haukeliseter to Erfjord and then home to Stavanger.

We started out with lousy weather, but the first day of hiking from Finse it was quite ok, and then it got better and better. And it has been nice since, until today, when all the rain came pouring down at once (just when I was out walking the dog...).

Finse is Northern Europe's highest railroad station. The only way to get there is by train or to hike. I took the train from Bergen and stayed at the hotel Finse 1222.

The first part of the hike from Finse to Rembesdalsseter is on the Rallarveg, the old railroad worker's road. This is now a popular path to go ride bikes on.

There were several small bridges to cross on the path to Rembesdalsseter and I was impressed that the Beard managed to climb them all! Good dog!

After around 7 hours walking, we reached Rembesdalsseter. The last part was only downhill and a bit exhausting on the knees. Really nice to reach the cabin and get a big room to myself (and don't tell anyone, but I was allowed to keep the Beard inside as well! I think she knew that she was really not allowed, as she was hiding under my bed! And we cleaned well after us before we left!).

The second day we hiked from Rembesdalsseter towards Liseth. This was a longer hike than expected and with sun from a clear blue sky, it got really warm!!

We took quite a few good breaks on our way, but we were still quite exhausted by the time we reached Liseth.

I was so relieved by the time we were there, and then when they had an available room that I could also have the Beard in I was in heaven. The food serving was closed, but the family running Liseth pensjonat let me have some delicious leftovers from a party after closing time. Talk about good service!! I highly recommend this place!!

I then took the bus with the Beard from Liseth to Odda. From Odda it was not possible to get anywhere by public transport when I had the Beard with me, so we had to wait for someone to come and pick us up. I was hungry, so I parked the Beard and my backpack in the main street in Odda and went for Chinese food. Nothing to write home about, but at least I got full! And the poor Beard was sitting there like a beggar, not making a noise, just looking really, really sad and lonely.

I was then off to Haukeliseter to pick up some stuff. Then I met my family in Erfjord where they had my boat, so I got to spend at least one night on it. And then I was back to Stavanger for a day to change clothes, and then I was off again! :-)

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