Sunday, 16 September 2012


This weekend started a bit badly with a late night in the office on Friday. Too much work!! Saturday morning I decided on an impulse to pack my backpack, stuff the workdocuments into it and leave for the cabin. Again! Never get tired of that place...

The forecast was as usual not too good, but we did not get a drop of rain on our hike up, and just a little bit of drizzle on our way down. 

The colours have changed a lot from just last weekend. I love this time of year when the green goes over to yellow and orange, but I guess in just a few weeks, most of the leaves will be gone. Oh well, skiseason here we come! :-)

I brought new floorskirtings for the kitchen in my backpack.
Bumped into every possible branch on my hike up towards the cabin.

I know the way to the cabin by heart, but I always find great comfort in the red Ts along the path.

A lot of water in the rivers after all the rain. I balanced over with camera in one hand and the Sausage tucked under the other arm.

The Sausage has learned to jump over hinders in the path. When she was younger, she always went under everything, so the leash got stuck, the she got stuck and then I got stuck....

This cow was giving me the evil eye and refused to move. I was not sure what to do, but had a feeling that getting out of the car and try to push it out of the way might not be a clever idea. So I ended up driving halfway into the ditch to get around it. 

View from the road down from Gullingen towards Jøsenfjorden.

Left overs from an old bridge near Haugen.

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