Tuesday 28 August 2012

Vidden, Bergen

For those ever visiting Bergen, a classic hike to do is "Vidden", which is the hike from Ulriken to Fløyen (or the oposite way). One can cheat, and take the gondola up to the top of the Ulriken mountain, or the furnicular up to the top of Fløyen. And it is great to be lazy on your way home and take one of them down if you are too tired to walk...

We cheated on Sunday and took the gondola up to Ulriken.

Bergen is quite unique when it comes to hiking in the seven mountains surrounding the city. You can walk from the pavements of the city centre and straight up into the mountains in no time! And you actually feel like you are far away from the city. But then at some peaks, you can see the beautiful city laying there, right near by. Good thing a lot of people take well advantage of these opportunities, and there were plenty of people out hiking when we were there (at one point a bit too many, especially when you have to pee...).

Bergen seen from the top of Ulriken.

The path is well marked and easy to follow, but the weather can actually be quite harsh at times (I had to turn when I tried taking the same hike a few years ago, as the weather got so bad I could not see a thing).

Impressive that this is just a short hike from the second biggest city in Norway!

We walked in a comfortable speed and took around four hours from Ulriken to Fløyen, including a small break for matpakke and KvikkLunsj (you always have to have a KvikkLunsj!). And then we walked down from Fløyen, no beeing lazy and cheating! :-) I was actually quite tired afterwards, but that might have had something to do with the hike to Fanaråken the day before...

All the way over to the right in the picture is where we started, at Ulriken.

A little view of the city on our way down Tippetue.

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