Sunday 9 June 2013

Via Ferrata in Tyssedal, Odda

Oh what a Sunday! I got a call yesterday evening from a friend asking if I wanted to join for the via ferrata in Tyssedal in Odda. This has been high on my list for a long time, so of course I said a big YES!! The sun was shining and the temperatures said shorts and t-shirt. Just perfect!!

The route goes along the tracks of the old water pipes, that were built around 1908 and were in use until an accident in 1989, when one of the pipes bursted. We climbed a bit on the mountain itself, a bit in old ladders and tracks, under the pipes and mainly on the via ferrata, which are iron steps made into the mountain side. We were secured the whole time with climbing harnesses attached to a wire going along the whole route. It felt perfectly safe!

Parts of the route are around 60 degrees steep, and it was quite scary at times, as I am not very good with hights...

You have to look down to see where you place your feet,
and then you cannot miss that there is nothing but air under your feet....

The view from the top towards Odda.

Enjoying the view towards Folgefonna (glacier) and dreaming about a summer skitrip.
 At the top we enjoyed grilled sausages and were amazed by the stunning view. Trolltunga next!!

To take this trip, check out Opplev Odda

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