Sunday 16 June 2013

Vesle Nup, again...

Today we had our first proper hike of the year. We went to Vesle Nup to see what the conditions are like north of Haukeliseter. Less snow than we expected. But when we looked south towards Suldal, it look like there are more snow. The plan is to go towards Kvanndalen in not too long, so fingers crossed that more snow will melt until then...

Vesle Nup is a nice hike from Haukeliseter. You go north on the tracks towards Hellevassbu and then turn right off the path after a peak of 1361. The only really climb is the one up from Haukeliseter and the last part towards the peak. Takes about three hours there, and two back, so a nice daytrip!

The view from the top is really good, and you can see big parts of Hardangervidda.

The Beard took a little nap (for about five seconds) when we were having our lunch in the sun.

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