Wednesday 5 December 2012

Kiting at Haukeli

I just came across some pictures that were taken this winter when I went to Haukeli for kiting. This had been on the agenda since I taught in skisailing back in 1999, so I guess it was about time I got around to do it. Better late than never... :-)

We did not have a lot of wind the weekend I was there, so it was a bit slow start. But in the end there came enough to get the kites flying and it was amazing to feel the speed and the force in the kite! I struggled a bit to sail upwind in the start, but got the hang of it after a little while. However, I still have a LOT of practise to do!

Here I have the kite flying and am practicing without skis on. Got thrown off balance a few times, but great fun!

NB: The photos in this post are taken by a fellow kiter - hope you don't mind me borrowing them! :-)

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